domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010

New Experiences

Well last night we decided to go out for my roommate's birthday. Didn't really know where to go so we walked around the busy part of Madrid where there are a lot of small bars, shopping, and other touristy attractions. We saw a bar that looked interesting, small, dark, crowded, and there was a specials menu outside so we decided to go in. When we walked in we found out how small it really was, probably about 15' x 9'. We noticed there was a little hallway on the right so we squeezed between the bar and people and walked to the back finding no chairs or tables, but little circular cushions on the floor. We realized it was a hookah bar and felt too weird to just turn around and leave so we awkwardly sat down and looked at the menu. It was such a weird experience. I swear everyone there was a hippy or some sort of witch person, especially since a worker walked into the back room at one point and lit incense and said something in some weird language while shaking the incense in the air.  So we had a glass of sangria, got the bill, and left as quickly as possible. I think my hair still smells like smoke...
After that wonderful hookah bar we found a nice big Irish pub that felt so much more comfortable. It was a very interesting night and I'm sure there will be many more to come.

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